The challenge
Cisco’s CAMS (Cisco Advanced Manager Series) was designed for managers with at least three years’ experience in their role, to build on their management experience and add powerful, adaptive leadership competencies to their repertoire.
The solution
CAMS has been delivered globally to more than 3,000 managers in the US, UK, India, Japan, China, Singapore, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Brazil, Australia and Israel. LIW facilitated over 47 programs per year across this period.
The Impact
This chart shows the reaction scores (out of 5) of the questions regarding the quality of facilitation for 29 programs that LIW ran over 15 months. These programs were run across four continents using 12 facilitators. They demonstrate LIW's ability to develop and maintain a consistent, quality experience at scale. The program also achieved:
18% average performance improvement attributable to CAMS (this is the equivalent of adding an extra day of productivity for managers on the program)
26% of participants were promoted within two years vs 19% for the comparable population
High Performance Teams
Highly effective, connected teams directly impact the experience of work and are essential to business success.
Executive Leaders
A leaders' ability to take a system wide perspective, building for the long term whilst balancing performance with business transformation is critical at the executive level.
Leaders of Leaders
Making the transition from leader of individual contributors to leader of leaders is a significant step. Prepare your leaders with new perspectives and skills to lead at a function level.
Team Leaders
Every team needs a great leader, with the ability to create an environment that fosters psychological safety, motivation and high performance.